Saturday, July 30, 2011

Investing in good times and great kids

I sold our boat yesterday.  Calm down. Get control of your emotions and let me explain.
I want to preface this with FACT that you can't put a price on all the experience, memories and patients our boat kindly named "Hole in the Water" has afforded our family. Memories that will last a lifetime for our kids, friends and other boaters who have had to put up with her over the last 2 summers. Admittedly, I only got a fraction of the $1,000,000 asking price.

We raise our kids with adventure in mind. Constantly forcing them out of their box and comfort zone. And us out of ours. It build confidence. It builds character. It builds trust.

So by now your asking "then why sell out?"
To put it simple, our boating season is wrapping up this year as school has started for the kids, and we won't have the opportunity to go boating next year because..........
Were planning a 9 week super adventure for next summer!

Were planning to travel around the good ol' USA for 9 weeks in our Excursion, visiting family, friends, and once again shoving our kids (and ourselves) outside our box.

Were buying this "Truck top tent" for the Excursion.

To be able to afford a trip like this, were not going to be able to stay in hotels, eat out 3x a day, etc. So with our boat money were buying a truck top tent and other supplies needed for our journey that will again build character, confidence and.... you get the point.

Let us know what you think!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Reunion: an adventure success (click photo's for better clarity)

Many wonder what makes a family reunion successful. I have a list. #1) No lost limbs, bleeding that we can't stop, or death of a reunion attendee. #2) and a close second, attendees continue to "like" each other's facebook status on a regular basis when it's all said and done. #3) I will leave #3 up to you.

We celebrated this guy's 80th (not a typo) Birthday. He is a co-founder of The Allen Lemoyne Caldwell family. And he draws quite a crowd.

We did some adventuresome activities for 60+ (not a typo) people (all direct descendants of Mary Jean & Lemoyne)

We did some biking.

A 10 mile ride like we did as kids everyday to school and back

We played in the creek like we did as kids

We joked around like kids

We made fun of each other like we did when we were kids

We horsed around...

We talked like we never did as kids

And when its all said and done

We call it a great time and shine on.

N8 from iPhone

Monday, July 11, 2011

Salt River Recreation

Every year, as per tradition, my family along with my in-laws (Hunts of Mesa) and who ever else expresses interest, spend the day on the lower Salt River. Don't get this part of the river confused with the "boobie" salt river. We enter the waters a couple miles down stream from the shenanigans.
We jump in with various floatation devices (kayaks, tubes, etc.) and float 4 miles down to Granite Reef, stopping half way to have a picnic and throw rocks.

N8 from iPhone