Monday, September 26, 2011

Unexpected week of fun!

After a weekend of hanging out with friends i was ready to do a hike and get back to work. Things changed a little. Last Monday I woke early to hike The Grand Canyon with my buddy Lynn. We went 2 hours down to Phantom Ranch and the Colorado River. An hour lunch while soaking the feet in the cool Angel Creek. Then a 5 hour hike out. An excellent, fast, tough, 17 miles on Monday. Not bad for no prep hikes. Lynn was an animal and could have ran if I wasn't with him. After driving home Monday night and sleeping great all night, I woke up, unable to walk like a normal human. My calves were KILLING! I was not able to return to work Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday due to this ailment. By Friday I had done enough Yoga and other stretching to move like normal so I went to Holly's boot camp with her and had no issues.
My other buddy Nick wanted to go cat fishing. So we loaded the kayak on "The Super Pickle", packed some other gear and headed out to Canyon Lake where we spent the night fishing. Nick hauled in 4 nice cats, with the biggest being 23 inches.
A great week all in all!

N8 from iPhone

Monday, September 12, 2011

Our 13th Year Anniversary Party

I know, I know, I don't look like I've been married for 13 years. I like to follow that one up with "I don't look like I've had 5 kids either!" BTW (by the way) Holly doesn't either.
So here we are married, raising kids, growing up, and happy as can be.
I took Holly camping, and yes I know she deserves more than a campout but she just wanted a lot of time to chat and I just wanted... to build a fire.
In addition to camping we decided to live barefoot for the rest of our lives, like the Dual Survivor hippy. See pics below

We had breakfast burritos

We went on a hike, and decided to wear shoes again for the rest of our lives.

And yes, we did chat

N8 from iPhone